
mom - 2006-12-16 10:01:40
Honey. You have hit upon the idea of why my yarn shop guy is so sarcastic too. Every time I go in, he has some wise crack....but hey, he sells great stuff and always helps when I get stuck. Just last week, he introduced me to the stitch and bitch group and said...."if you don't know her now, you will. Her picture will be hanging in the post office some day". I laugh, but your Dad hates it. Oh well. The price we pay for our hobby.
Sandi Shelton - 2006-12-16 16:39:14
You have definitely hit a nerve! I am in awe of you for even wanting to do sweaters. I am stuck forever in Scarf-Making Mode. After two years of knitting scarves for everyone I know, the Authoritative Yarn Ladies said I must learn to purl! Why? So I could make ridges, they said. Now that I have learned to purl, they said that "the thinking mind" (ahem) "would definitely want to be moving on to sweaters and SOCKS! To circular needles! To size SIX needles!" I had to draw myself up and defend the right of my non-thinking mind to be perfectly happy knitting scarves. I think, now that I've read that you're going through the same thing, I'm going to even stop purling, which I dislike! And yes...back to A.C. Moore, where there is no peer pressure! Thank you for this post!
rita - 2007-01-06 15:59:56
I love circular needles...when using them I rarely have to purl and I purr because I go so fast. Maybe you had crumby pattern and yarn and the thrill of circular needles is still there to be found.

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