Hobson's Choice


this and that from the feverish household

-- Nor has become to make positive comments on the boobies. Such as "tasty." I think that this is part of her father's plan to get her to be more grateful for nursing, rather than approaching like a primate zombie, saying "Eat boobie!" And it is helping to allay my resentment of continued nursing.

-- I remember the guidance counselor at Winburn Middle School complaining that our parents thought the invention of Febreeze meant they didn't have to do laundry any more. I'm worried that I have the same approach to the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I love this product. I will endorse it here and now. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser makes my house look good, and I don't even have to work at it.

-- Chris has a fever. I have PMS (I hope). Eleanor has separation anxiety and teething. Enter our home at your own risk. I feel like everybody is doing something on purpose just to piss me off. Eleanor feels like everybody is doing something to take her away from Mama. Chris is indulging in that Classic Male Reponse to Illness, which is "Get real mean." Chris reports that it's an adaptive behavior because "on the battlefield, only the mean wounded get any attention." What? Did he say that to piss me off?

8:11 a.m. - 2004-04-16


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