Hobson's Choice


this and that

-- Nor-nor is currently in her bed yelling for boobie, which I cannot give her because (a) I took a maxalt this morning and she can't have boob til bed now and (b) she is currently attending nap boot camp to try to get her sleep into kilter after that switch to Daylight Savings Time.

-- I appreciate the suffering of the First World War, but do we really need to keep honoring it by continuing with the Daylight Savings Time?

-- My child is surely one of few toddlers who can identify Mr. Hooper from Sesame Street (including the old Fisher Price Little Person at my parents' house) and who is friendly enough with Bob to call him "Bobby" and say "Hugs" (Nor's way of saying "I love you").

--I recently purchase a children's book on grief called "I'll miss you, Mr. Hooper," basically a book of the now famous Sesame Street episode. Eleanor got hold of it and has become enamored; now we read it many times a day, even after I hid it. I am reading my 21 month old a book about death on a regular basis. Should I hide it better?

-- In celebration of the dissertation, Chris and I went away for a couple of days. I was surprised by how guilty I felt about leaving Eleanor; I haven't felt guilty before. But this time, I wasn't working, I wasn't cleaning the house; I was having fun. Oh guilt. Normally, I have no patience for this "I cannot leave my child, even for a short period of time; she cannot do without me" crap. That kind of emotion is for people who didn't spend the first three weeks of their child's life away from her. But there it was: guilt for having a good time.

-- Now the cats have joined Eleanor in caterwauling. They are not saying "Boobie, boobie."

-- Time to eat some lunch, reassure E'nor that I haven't abandoned her even though she can't have boobie and she must take a nap, and to watch Bargain Hunt.

1:09 p.m. - 2004-04-06


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